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A Grayscale Picture of Malioboro

Thursday, March 7, 2013

            The past will not be forgotten. The calm and gentle atmosphere fills the grayscale Malioboro. Every side of the town, you could feel the nature mixing with the town folks. The wind breezed from the tree like the tranquility of this city. The giant trees would protect you from the sun while you walked around. That was the time when Malioboro was still an “untouched place”.

            There were no tall buildings by the road; there were only trees and many spaces for pedestrians to walk on. It seemed as if they were not afraid to walk around, because there were not many vehicles back then. It is so different with the “current” condition where just with one wrong step and a car might hit you, and you will end up in hospital or, even worse, graveyard. Or maybe you might get the second choice, not get hit by a car, but have your leisure pastime of walking around ravaged by the hawking of the vendors. You can call yourself lucky if you could get home with your wallet intact in your pocket.

Current condition is not as grayscale as the past. Malioboro is colorful, too colorful, filled by hundred colorful lamps, red, yellow, blue, green, and other color. It seems like they are waving their hand to welcome you and saying “hey, I am Malioboro Mall. Come here!” or just with another word to persuade you come into the place. There is no longer grayscale Malioboro which looks like an “empty” place full of peace and tranquility. This is a place for you to walk around, for shopping, not for having relaxation just like what you got in pastime.


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